What brings you here today? Are you looking to earn a little extra cash to top up the bank balance? Looking for ways to save on your food shopping or household bills? Or are you searching for a quicker way to make a larger sum of money? Whatever you're here for I can help.

I've been a money saver all my life. I love the thrill of 'sticking it the man' and paying less than everyone else for something. I've implemented little tips and tricks throughout my financial life and have reaped the benefits- but I've always been driven to save more. 

Money management is like a sport to me. I genuinely enjoy looking at my monthly spreadsheet and seeing where every penny has been spent. I compete with myself year on year to live better for less. 

I was a money saver in the early days of computers, when there was little else to do but play solitaire but times have changed and the advancement of the internet has brought with it a boom in financial products, apps and information that has made money saving and money making online easy. 

I still shop in charity shops, sell my old items on car boots and shop budget brands in the supermarket- all the traditional methods are still very helpful when it comes to money saving but the internet is where I do most of my money saving/money making nowadays. Join me as I share my money saving tips and tricks and tackle the latest online earners so you know what's worth your time and what isn't.

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